Resource Summary |
487 CYPRESS Ave |
Address: |
487 CYPRESS Ave |
APN: |
5726-012-044 |
This property has been determined ineligible for city listing or historic designation.
Address: |
487 CYPRESS Ave |
City: |
Pasadena |
State: |
CA |
Zip Code: |
91103 |
County: |
Los Angeles |
County Code: |
37 |
Historic Name: |
Common Name: |
APN: |
5726-012-044 |
Zoning: |
RM32 |
Building Sq. Ft: |
Site Size (Acres): |
0.190 |
Year Built: |
1903 Documented |
District: |
Bristol-Cypress Historic District
District: |
Bristol-Cypress Historic District (designated)
Property Status: |
Designated |
Contributing Status: |
NC |
Resource Description: |
Style: Craftsman Bungalow | |
Two non-contributing buildings (house and garage). Although in its original location and appearing in original condition, Sanborn maps indicate that this house had a recessed half-length front porch. The current design has a projecting façade length front porch with features of Craftsman design. As such,
it appears that the house was altered early in its history and does not reflect the distinguishing characteristics of buildings from the period of significance of the district.
Legal Description: |
Primary Architectural Style: |
Craftsman Bungalow |
Secondary Architectural Style: |
Architect: |
Builder: |
Contractor: |
Context: |
Residential Architecture 1883-1904
Original Owner: |
George Henderson |
Original Use: |
Single Family Residence |
Original Location: |
Demolished: |
no |
Notes: |
Moved: |
no |
Date Moved: |
n/a |
Designation Date: |
n/a |
* This is a simplified statement of the property's status. Please review the NRHP Status Code field on the search screen for official, adopted status language.