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District Summary
Canon Drive Historic District
DPR523D - District Record [print]
State of California - The Resource Agency
Primary #:  
HRI #:  
Trinomial #:  
*NRHP Status Code: 3D 
*Resource Name or #:  
Historic Name: Canon Drive Historic District 
D2.  Common Name: Canon Drive Historic District 
Detailed Description:
The small grouping of properties on Canon Drive consists of six one-story, horizontally oriented single-family residences on large lots in the Mid-century Modern and Modern Ranch architectural styles. The district is characterized by unusually lush landscaping, creating a sense of being in a forest environment. The surrounding neighborhood consists of older homes, many designed by significant architects including several by Greene and Greene.
Boundary Description:
The district is bound by Kewen Drive on the east, the westerly property lines of 800 & 875 Canon Drive on the west, the southerly property lines of 800, 832, 840, 895 and 931 Canon Drive on the south and the northerly property lines of all district properties on the north.
Boundary Justification:
The boundaries encompass six architect-designed single-family residences on Canon Drive from the period of significance.
Significance: Theme: Architect-Designed Single Family Residences 
Area: South-central Pasadena 
Period of Significance: 1952-1963 
Applicable Criteria:
The grouping of properties on Canon Drive represents six individual architects' responses to a uniquely lush environmental setting in an overall suburban area. Lots in the district are large, sloping and heavily landscaped, offering opportunities to design interesting responses to these site constraints. Architects represented in this district include Smith & Williams, who designed the earliest house in the grouping, 875 Canon Drive, in 1952; Bob Offenhauser; Phillip Gatsculis and H. Thomas Wilson. The property at 875 Canon Drive contains site features originally designed by Greene & Greene. The district represents the theme of the Architect-designed single-family residence in a unique setting in southern Pasadena. The district retains an exceptionally high level of integrity with all six houses contributing to the district.
Cultural Resources of the Recent Past Historic Context Report, October 2007
Evaluator: Kevin Johnson  Date of Evaluation: 09/21/2008 
Affiliation and Address: City of Pasadena - 175 N. Garfield Avenue Pasadena, CA 91101  