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District Summary
Madeline/Stoneridge Drive Landmark District
DPR523D - District Record [print]
State of California - The Resource Agency
Primary #:  
HRI #:  
Trinomial #:  
*NRHP Status Code: 5D2 
*Resource Name or #:  
Historic Name: Madeline/Stoneridge Drive Landmark District 
D2.  Common Name: Madeline/Stoneridge Drive Landmark District 
Detailed Description:
The eligible landmark district on Madeline Drive and Stoneridge Drive is located in the southwest portion of the City of Pasadena, within the former Adolphus Busch estate described in the Busch Gardens Landmark District records. Properties in the district are of a hillside character with significant slopes and high levels of landscaping. Stoneridge Drive is a sloping, curving cul-de-sac and the contributing houses on this street are generally one-story or one-story-over-garage. All houses have a horizontal orientation and are in the California Ranch, Modern Ranch and Mid-century Modern styles.
Boundary Description:
The district is bound by the rear property lines of all properties on Stoneridge Drive and Madeline Drive on the north, south, east and west.
Boundary Justification:
The boundaries encompass a grouping of intact single-family residences from the period of signficance.
Significance: Theme: Architect-designed Single-family Residence 
Area: Southwest Pasaadena 
Period of Significance: 1949-1961 
Applicable Criteria:
The district on Madeline Drive and Stoneridge Drive was sporadically developed between 1949 and 1961 and contains a number of good examples of California Ranch, Modern Ranch and Mid-century Modern style houses, including two New Formalist designs. The district represents the theme of the Architect-designed Single-family Residence and meets registration requirements under the single-family residence property type. The district is eligible for local landmark designation under criterion C as a significant representation of the distinctive characteristics of Mid-century Modern architectural styles and retains a high level of integrity with 14 contributing properties and 5 noncontributing properties (1 property remains vacant).
Cultural Resources of the Recent Past Historic Context Report, October 2007.
Evaluator: Kevin Johnson  Date of Evaluation: 09/30/2008 
Affiliation and Address: City of Pasadena - 175 N. Garfield Avenue Pasadena, CA 91101  