P1. Other Identifier: |
*P2. Location: |
not for publication
and (P2c, P2e, and P2b or P2d. Attach a Location Map as Necessary)
b. USGS 7.5' Quad: |
T |
; |
R |
; |
of |
of Sec |
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B.M. |
c. Address: |
1330 Hillcrest Ave
City: |
Pasadena |
State: |
CA |
Zip Code: |
d. UTM: (Give more than one for large and/or linear resources) |
Zone: |
; |
-118.131383 |
mE/ |
34.124583 |
mN |
e. Other Locational Data: (e.g., parcel #, directions to resource, elevation, etc., as appropriate)
*P3a. Description:
(Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries)
The James Allen Freeman House at 1330 Hillcrest is an Arts and Crafts period two-story house sited on a large corner lot at the southeast corner of Hillcrest Avenue and Kewen Drive. Its irregular plan and asymmetrical massing reflect the ideas of the designers, Arthur and Alfred Heineman, for a house that embodied the Arts and Crafts architectural philosophy. The design has a strong horizontal emphasis with an undulating roof eave line across the front elevation, a line that is echoed in architectural elements between the first and second stories. The recently restored wave-patterned wood-shingle roof, which wraps over the eaves to mimic the look of English Cotswold cottage thatched roofs, further enhances the undulating horizontality in the design. Additionally, the horizontal design emphasis is presented in the use of groupings of up to five casement windows, a wide front entryway (door and sidelights) surmounted by a expansive, low-pitch hood, wide bay windows and a wide stucco chimney. Influences of the English Arts and Crafts movement are the flat stucco walls with pseudo half-timbering, an over-hanging second story on the projecting wing on the front façade and leaded glass casement windows, some with arched tops. The Heineman’s use of Batchelder tiles in their house designs is evidenced on the Freeman house exterior around the front entry and on the front wall stucco chimney where small tiles are placed in a linear pattern. The front entry is accessed by brick steps to a low-walled brick terrace with planters.
*P3b. Resource Attributes:
(List attributes and codes)
*P4. Resources Present: |
Element of a District
P5a. Photograph or Drawing
(Photograph required for buildings, structures, and objects.)
P5b. |
*P6. |
Date Constructed/Age and Source: |
Year Built: 1913 - Documented
*P7. |
*P8. |
*P9. |
*P10. |
*P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey report and other sources, or enter "none.")
Location Map
Sketch Map
Continuation Sheet
Building, Structure, and Ojbect Record
Archaeological Record
District Record
Linear Feature Record
Milling Station Record
Rock Art Record
Artifact Record
Photograph Record